Budget Website Design Package $1100

Our budget website design package is ideal for getting your business profile online.

Included in this package is:

  • 1 Year FREE Domain Name registration i.e www.yourrequestedname.com.au (requested name is subject to availability). Yearly cost of your domain name is $35.00
  • 1 Year FREE Web Hosting – includes 5GB of Disk Space, 1 Gigabyte of data transfer per month, 5 Mailboxes, Web Mail, Comprehensive Web Stats and much more. Web Hosting is on a yearly subscription basis of $110.00.
  • Responsive Simple Web Design – includes up to 4 pages of information such as text, photographs, photo albums, graphics, forms etc. Creation of special effects and graphics are limited to basic designs in this package.  Extra pages can be added at a fixed price.
  • Free Search Engine Submission – We would submit your website to various search engines that offer free submission. Even though no guarantee is given that your website would be included in search engines or that it will receive top rankings, our submissions are normally quite successful.
  • 1 website consultation within the Perth metro area and surrounding suburbs (if required).
  • 1 Year Website Software Maintenance Package.
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If you are interested in this Budget Website Design Package or have a question please contact us.

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Things you should know about this website package.

Mobile Friendly
All new websites created by Zap IT web solutions are mobile compatible. Your website will be built using current international web standards without code errors allowing the website to be displayed properly no matter what web browser is being used.

No Hidden Costs
There are no hidden costs in this website package, no ongoing fees apart from the Domain Name and Web Hosting if they are registered with us (Total $145.00 per year) and the Website Software Maintenance Package at $295 per year.

Website Software Maintenance Package
It is crucial that websites running software such as: Shopping Carts, Word Press, Content Management Systems etc, are updated on a regular basis. Without proper maintenance your website software can become outdated which makes your website vulnerable to security risks and hackers. By maintaining your website software you significantly lower the risk of having your website compromised.

New versions of website software often address security issues – this means that the older version is vulnerable to hackers. Therefore, it is imperative for this kind of software to be updated regularly.

Examples of our Budget Website Design Package

Budget Website Design Perth

Talk to Us

If you would like us to contact you to discuss your website requirements please complete this quick contact request form

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